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More about FUNCTIONS! - System of Equations

Watch these videos to help you understand the concept of system of equations.
There are more than one ways to solve a system of equations. My suggestion is you become really good at one way!

Inverse Functions

grade 9b_edited_edited.jpg
I couldn't find any good videos to share with you as rational and inverse functions get complicated quickly. Instead, just make sure you have this copied on your memory aid using colours to match the parts. Remember, an inverse function is simply working backwards with a given output to find the input.

Now copy the following onto your memory aid. Feel free to use coloured pens and stencils to help you!

grade 9b_edited_edited.jpg

         Just know this!


We are going to save time by not doing the workbook pages on this concept


Pg. 122: #a,c,d,e

Pg. 124: #1ace, #2ad

Pg. 125: #3ab, 4abcde


Pg. 133: #af

Pg. 135: #5, 6

Pg. 136: #7

Pg. 140: #1abcd, 2abcd

Pg. 141 #4abc


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